Georgia Prison Conditions, Assaults & Suicide

This channel contains various videos of investigative reports on prison conditions throughout the Georgia Department of Corrections. Videos capture images of understaffed cellblocks, inmate abuse, violent assaults at Telfair State Prison, impact of gangs, and instances of inmate suicide at Hancock State Prison and others. WARNING: Some of these videos contain violent and graphic images. …

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Cell Block

These photos reveal the harsh reality inside Georgia’s prisons, where prisoners are often forced to set up makeshift tents in the dormitories. Many can’t safely live in their assigned cells due to the constant threat of violence. Gang members frequently take over rooms, forcing civilians out with threats and intimidation. Overcrowded conditions exacerbate the problem, …

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The misclassification of inmates is how capital  punishment, corporal punishment, torture, rape, abuse etc. become the actual sentences of inmates extrajudicially. Corrections officers and the DOC administration are responsible for classifying and assigning inmates to cell blocks and specific cells. However, this is not a simple task like making the seating arrangement at one’s wedding …

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Mealtime and Food Service

These photos show the reality of meals served in Georgia prisons. The quality is appalling, and the quantity wouldn’t satisfy a child, let alone an adult trying to survive in these conditions. Lunches, consisting of a single peanut butter or bologna sandwich, are often delivered in a single sack to serve 120 inmates, with many …

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